
These abstract drawings began as doodles and small sketches in the margins of notebooks and as a way to clear my head between tasks, a sort of mental palette cleanser that quickly became a fascination as I started to recognize images within them. Within these swirling lines emerged images of topographical maps, oyster shells, thumbprints, the rings of a tree, and so on. Upon sharing some of these images with friends and peers it became evident that there was a ubiquitously familiar quality in that line of work in which everyone seemed to see some kind go image, some of which were consistent and some of which were very different per individual, similar to responses for an ink blot test.

Custom mural, Atlantic Beach, FL. Feb 2023

Topografia, Boston, MA.

October 2022 4x11’

Experiments on water pt. 1,2,3 Boston, MA. Nov 2022

Digital Map 1, Boston, MA 2019


Bodies & Faces

